Mia Guerra

Executive Editor at Chispa Magazine, Mia Guerra is a writer at heart. Regardless the topic, she loves to investigate, encourage, and ruminate on topics that can make us better people. Aiming to live a Proverbs 31 life, Mia is ecstatic to be following her calling with Chispa. At home she is her husband's sidekick and together they are raising a God-fearing family in Atlanta.

The Guy-de To Impressing A Man On A Date

Dating-Chispa Magazine

Going on a date with somebody is a nerve-wracking ordeal. Whether you know the person or it’s a blind date, the feelings of anxiety and trepidation regarding the unknown always end up eating away at you. You don’t want to open with some corny line, or, perhaps even worse, by saying something completely embarrassing. Still,…

Foolproof Ways To Get Your Foot In The Door At Any Company

Securing a dream job is never easy, especially in this environment. What with unemployment levels still high and the demand for jobs even higher, it can seem almost impossible. Thankfully, it isn’t a thankless task because there are employers that are willing to take on the right employee. All you have to do is show…

DIY Jobs That Will Make Your Home Safer

DIY Jobs-Chispa Magazine

DIY is great for many things, but people usually take on such projects when they either need to fix something or boost the value of their home. More people should be thinking about DIY in the context of home security. Using DIY, you can install a lot of effective and cheap security solutions, as well…

Are You An Internship Person Or A Degree Person?

When it comes to your career, it can often be hard not only to decide which career path to go down but also how to get the training that you need. The fact is that to have a successful career, you will need to undergo some manner of training to get the knowledge and skills…

Effective Cash Flow Management As A Small Business

Things They Don’t Tell You About Running A Home Business-Chispa Magazine

Most start-ups fail in their first year or two, and one of the biggest reasons for this is losing their grip on their cash flow, and running out of money. Obviously, you don’t want your business to be slung onto this particular body-pile. While some cash flow factors are out of your control, you can…

Bag A Job Abroad Before You Make The Move

Abroad Job-Chispa Magazine

Moving abroad and working in a different culture is the dream of a lot of adventurous people. It gives them a chance to widen their horizons and fully immerse themselves in a new landscape and society. Not only that, though, but some people also find that finding a job abroad improves their career prospects, and…

Not a Cog in a Machine: Taking Control of Your Life

Chispa Magazine-Control Life

It very often happens that a person, wanting to make sure they’re not left behind, find a job—any job—just to make sure they can afford things like travel trips and rent and so on. This is good for a while, but then to some people, it eventually occurs to them that they’re not really doing…