Health + Beauty

Something that everybody has an input on and will debate over, but no worries because we unfold our own archive that simplifies the best of beauty and health.

How to Indulge While Still Being Healthy

Healthy, Indulge Holiday Food-Chispa Magazine

The holiday season is a time of happiness, warmth, and family. It’s also filled with pies, cookies, mashed potatoes, pasta, and anything carb. This is the best time of year for many and the worst time for healthy eating. But fear not, you can indulge in holiday treats while still eating healthy and loving your…

It Could Happen to Anyone: Nasal Septum Surgery

Nasal Septum Surgery-Chispa Magazine

You’re waiting at the doctor’s office, patiently, while he goes over your results… then he says, “You need to consider a Septoplasty; it’s basically done to improve the air flow between the nasal passages or sinus drainage.” Anatomy. Nasal septum consists of a bone and hyaline cartilage in the nose which separates the nasal cavity into…

Five Ways Comfortable Sleep Will Improve Your Daily Productivity

Sleep-Chispa Magazine

You would certainly have heard about the manifold perks of getting a good night’s sleep, which means a deep and uninterrupted sleep for an adequately long duration. Such a sleep is vital for human happiness and health. A poor sleep can lead to various psychological and physiological complications, such as diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, paranoia,…

Always Tired? Five Hidden Causes of Your Fatigue

Tired-Fatigue-Chispa Magazine

As our lives increase their already hectic pace and permeate our time with stress and various sources of anxiety, lack of sleep has almost become an epidemic. And as such, it’s close to impossible to disentangle the causal relationship among so many factors, thus leading to an overwhelming feeling of tiredness that we tend to…

Four Ways to Enjoy a Happy and Healthy Life

Eating Healthy-Chispa Magazine

In life, it is important that you spend your days doing what you love. You should seek out the company of people that bring you happiness and embrace every opportunity that comes your way. Whatever you do, don’t look back in regret! If you are determined to make the most of your time here on…

Four Simple Steps to Guarantee Perfect Skin in 2018

Beautiful Skin-Chispa Magazine

Whether you want to get rid of acne, fight wrinkles, avoid rashes, or something else, perfect skin is within reach. It’s a matter of ignoring the barrage of infinite products and promises and focusing on the simplicity of what is really important to your complexion. It can be summarized in four simple steps… Step 1.…

What Is Anterior Cord Syndrome And Can It Be Treated?

Work-Life Balance-Chispa Magazine

Anterior cord syndrome is a spinal injury and may also be referred to as Beck’s syndrome. This spinal injury can be caused by both trauma and non-trauma processes, although it is most likely to occur through non-trauma processes. Anterior cord syndrome is known as an incomplete spinal cord injury, meaning some functions may remain below…