
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

The Real Value of Education

Chispa Magazine-Higher Education

Many people have a limited view of what is meant by the term education, as most people associate the idea of someone physically attending a college or university in order to learn from lecturers, yet today, education has shifted online with the likes of Udemy hosting courses from niche educators on very specific subjects, or…

How to Let Go of the Burdens (and Watch Your Life Transform)

Letting Go of Burdens-Chispa Magazine

During our lives, we are attached to people and things. While habits are something humans can change or work on eliminating, an attachment is a normal behavior since, after all, we are a social species. However, they are not necessarily good for us sometimes and that can be something that heavily burdens your life. This…

The Best Financial Advice is Often About the Fundamentals

Best Financial Advice-Chispa Magazine

Having been in the wealth management business for three decades now, friends and clients often ask me what is the best financial advice I have to offer. Through the years, I’ve determined that the “best” advice may sound simple, but it truly can help  increase your chance of achieving financial security. Attaining mastery in any task…

Spending Money on Sports

Spending Money on Sports-Chispa Magazine

We all spend money to entertain ourselves. According to information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016 the average American family spent about $3,000 on entertainment expenses. That’s a lot of movie tickets and hardback books, but Americans, regardless if you’re in Enfield, CT, or in Miami, Fl, aren’t just spending money to watch…

Eight Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills

Improve Your Communication-Chispa Magazine

Strong communication skills are important for anyone and should continuously be improved upon when possible. Not only are such skills critical to a successful career, but they’re also a vital life skill that can strongly affect your relationships with your friends, family members and co-workers. Hone your communication skills to get the most out of…

Are Startups Shaping The Future Of Healthcare?

Healthcare Decisions-Chispa Magazine

Mom Decisions As a mother, you’ve got to make many decisions. You need to manage your household; understanding property management strategies is wise. Also, you must have your finger on the pulse of healthcare trends that are defining the market. Unexpected things happen all the time, and these can severely impact the health of both…

Why Moving Abroad Solo Could Be A Best Decision

Moving Abroad Solo-Chispa Magazine-3

Sometimes it happens that you get stuck in a rut and don’t know what to do next. That means it is time for a change and for some, that change could be moving abroad and starting all over again. Moving abroad solo might just be the perfect solution for you if you feel like you’ve…