
Showcasing personal interviews with famed faces, everyday women who make a difference in our society or tough topics that need addressing.

Mastering the Art of Saving

Savings-Lisa Taranto Schiffer-Chispa Magazine

Saving money is about more than putting aside funds for a rainy day, or for retirement at some point down the road. Rather, it’s a way of thinking and living that can help finance your dreams, enable you to reach short- and long-term life goals, and provide financial freedom. A well-thought-out financial plan that includes…

How to Help Your Loved One On Their Path to Recovery

Five Tips to Help You Thrive-Chispa Magazine

When someone you love has been injured, it can be traumatizing. You almost lost them, after all, and getting over that and, more importantly, helping them recover can be a very long and very trying time. Knowing what you can do to help them on their path to recovery can help, which is why you…

Drugs and Your Body

Stress-Chispa Magazine

We know, generally speaking, that drugs aren’t good for us, but that doesn’t mean we know a lot of the specifics. How do drugs really affect our body? Do some drugs stay in our system longer than others? Why are some substances more addictive than others? Scientists and doctors have been asking these questions for…

Dave Says: Two Extremes

Roadmap_Chispa Magazine

Dear Dave, I’m about to graduate from college, and while I’ve been in school my mom has been handling most of my finances. Recently, I discovered she’s been taking my student loan money and spending it on herself. So far, it looks like she’s taken around $12,000, and I have a total of $25,000 in…

How to Help Your Child Achieve Sporting Success

Child Swimmer-Chispa Magazine

We all know that exercise and sport can be central components of a fit and healthy lifestyle, so it’s essential that we pass that message on to our children too. Children naturally love sport, and the more they do it, the better they get. If you’re lucky you might find that your child has the…

Four Ways To Make Long Term Investments Work For You


I know what you’re thinking. We are always encouraged to live in the here and now and to focus on what we want now and for the short term future. Saving for vacation this year or working toward goals you have for now, but what about your long term future? What about as you get…

Warning Signs Of The Workplace Women Should Watch

Home Budget-Chispa Magazine

Women in the workplace are ever making progress towards creating a place for themselves and affecting real change. But it is slow. There are still businesses where the risk of harassment, dismissal by colleagues and superiors, underlying bias and other discrimination are all too real. For the woman who wants to excel, these workplaces can…

The Importance Of A One-On-One Bond With Your Child

One-On-One Bond With Your Child-Chispa Magazine

Raising children can be tough. It can feel like there are a million responsibilities to take care of before you even focus on your own daily tasks, and all this is coupled with the fear that you’re missing vital developmental duties that will culminate in either a great person or one with gaping personality flaws.…

Moving On: Get Your Office Ready For New Tenants

Hong Kong Offices-Chispa Magazine

There might be a time in the lifespan of your business when you need to move out of your current office and pass it over to new tenants. This might be because you are unable to take your company any further and need to close it down before you suffer too many losses. Or perhaps…