Spiritual Growth

Mood booster or just a little encouraging nudge from art in words will give hope for any occasion.

It Was Like… Magic

Magic-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

“It was like… magic.” How many of us remember that line from the movie Sleepless in Seattle? In the movie Sam Baldwin (Hanks) describes it like this, “It was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together, and I knew it. I knew…

Fully Loaded for War

Armor of God-Chispa Magazine-Kuan-Yin

Soldiers are trained to shoot an enemy, dug defensive trenches, and defend a territory. Why would the Lord of the Bible tell us to put on “armor” if we would not “physically” be in a fight? God gives us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). But, the thief of Earth comes…

Is It Possible?

Kuan-Yin-Chispa Magazine-Friday

I saw this quote “I pray that I always err on the side of impossible” and got excited. I was excited because it meant that it really isn’t about me, alone. I can do all things when I trust and rely on God as my strength. Seeing this quote humbled and strengthened me simultaneously because…

Generosity—It’s a Lifestyle

Prison Ministry-Chispa Magazine

Generosity. It comes from the heart and compels us to take action. The more we use it, the greater it becomes to the point where it’s just a lifestyle choice. For some it’s easy to be generous with others yet they forget to be generous with themselves. God is so very generous to us—why not…

What Do You See?

See-Chispa Magazine-Kuan-Yin Timothee

It is amazing to look at people each day. Depending on your mood, you notice the beauty in someone’s face, you detect their style. Your mood, your attitude about the person, and your disposition will determine the perception of the person formed in your mind.  Think about the person in Dunkin’ Donuts who ordered a…

Whine Wednesday or Wise Wednesday?

Whine Wednesday-Mavian Arocha-Rowe-Chispa Magazine

“I have learned that in every circumstance that comes my way, I can choose to respond in one of two ways: I can whine or I can worship,” says Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. “And, I can’t worship without giving thanks. It just isn’t possible. When we choose the pathway of worship and giving thanks, especially in…

When Your Love Tank is Empty

Love Tank is Empty-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

Valentine’s Day has been here and gone. Tradition called for the perfect romantic experience. In preparation you binged-watched Hallmark movies. Both you and your partner did your part to make that happen… the card, the flowers, the chocolates, and the dinner. Yes, it would be the perfect day. Today you look back and wonder why perfect didn’t…

Running on Empty

Running On Empty-Chispa Magazine-Maggie Sabatier-Smith

How far can you drive your vehicle on empty? My husband would cringe at that question. His response would be, “Why would you let it run that low?” A fair question. I have no answers, at least not any that would explain it. Quite frankly, I just don’t think about it. This is not new…

Bathtime for Your Conscience

Bathtime for Your Conscience-Mavian Arocha-Rowe-Chispa Magazine

Ask yourself: Is your conscience clear? Whether it’s a fall-out with a friend, a lie you’ve been caught with yet blame the other for their questioning, or bitterness inside is seeping through your pores and rather than “deal” with its root cause, you continue to fake it.  Seeking Him says, “If we have wronged another,…

Whose Time Are You On?

Time-Kuan-Yin T Timothee-Chispa Magazine

Often we measure what needs to be done by what we have left. “How old are we” or “what have we done” are often the qualifiers and quantifiers of our life accomplishments. By this age—X should happen, when you have this (physical object)—-Y is the status obtained. But God measures things differently. He made a…