
Keeping track of business trends, knowing who to hire or learning how to become an entrepreneur can be stressful to research; here we have you covered under one category.

When it Comes to Time Management, It’s All About Energy

Spring Professional-Redd Angelo-Chispa Magazine

Many times, I’ve seen business leaders send their employees off on time management courses in the hopes that the training will help increase engagement and productivity. Many times, I’ve seen those same leaders show bewilderment when the training doesn’t seem to have any impact—or worse yet, results in employees being less engaged and less productive.…

Is Your Business Using The Latest Technology To Its Advantage?

Is Your Business Ready for an Office-Chispa Magazine

What do we mean when we think about technology? Most people will usually have the immediate association with smartphones and computers. But whilst these particular tools are important, they’re really only one part of the jigsaw. Technology can actually be anything you know that allows you do something better or more efficiently. It’s an exciting…

How to Build an Incredible Brand for Your Business

Marketing Your New Business In Five Easy Steps-Chispa Magazine

When a brand is first born, it doesn’t have a personality. A brand doesn’t grow up. It doesn’t have likes and dislikes, or develop opinions on its own. It isn’t a human being. However, for your clients to really resonate with your brand, you need to make it seem like it might be. Giving your…

How to Keep Your Premises Looking Its Best

How to Keep Your Premises Looking Its Best-Chispa Magazine

Making your business premises look as good as it possibly can should be one of your top priorities. You can’t expect to attract customers or clients if your headquarters is not well-kept. It should project a professional kind of image to people who see or visit it. Clean Up the Filth The first thing to…

How To Make Your Business Stand Out In 2016

How To Make Your Business Stand Out In 2016-Chispa Magazine

We are almost done with the first two months in 2016 and the industry is overflowing with different companies. This is good for the consumers. It means they have a wide range of choices when selecting products and services. It also encourages companies to offer better products and be more innovative. However, for the business…

Is There Still Money In Private Medicine?

Is There Still Money In Private Medicine-Chispa Magazine

You have just completed your internship in medicine. After many hard years of medical training, you are finally a qualified doctor. Now you have a decision to make: Should you stay in the public medical field or should you opt to start your own private practice? Starting your own private practice isn’t as difficult as…

Making The Cloud Work For Your Business

How To Make Your Home Office Super Effective-Chispa Magazine

If your business has to deal with a lot of data, then you’re probably making use of cloud storage already. If you’re not, then you’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Cloud storage is still a fairly new technology. To make sure it’s benefiting your company as much as possible, there are certain…

Start A Manufacturing Business Without Breaking The Bank

Five Common Problems For Production Businesses-Chispa Magazine

The manufacturing sector will always appeal to entrepreneurs from all background. However, there’s one issue that stands out as a major turn off: the associated costs. Businesses like these can encounter greater costs than any other. After all, they often need bigger work premises, as well as large machinery and skilled staff. Those expenses can be…

Promoting Your Business Event Successfully

Promoting Your Business Event Successfully-Chispa Magazine

Event marketing is a crucial facet to add to your marketing strategy. Not all businesses do it, but you should seriously consider engaging in some way. Event marketing doesn’t have to mean putting on your own event. You can do that, but there are also other ways to get involved. For example, you could sponsor…

Four CV Techniques That Could Get You That Dream Job

Four CV Techniques That Could Get You That Dream Job-Chispa Magazine

So, you’ve made your CV, and you know your local job site like the back of your hand. But for some reason, you’re still not employed. Well, if what you’re doing isn’t working, you’ve got to try something new. Here is a handful of more unusual tips that could make all the difference to getting…